Commission History



Wildfire's Partner Admin Tools include information and reporting about transactions. This article outlines all of the available data for each transaction.

The Commission History report provides a ledger of all transactions reported to Wildfire by merchants. The report is as real-time as possible; as soon as a transaction is reported to Wildfire, it appears in the Commission History report. Note that some merchants (for example, Walmart) have a nightly batch reporting process. Most merchants report new sales on an hourly basis. Below are the columns in the commission history page.

Note: You can use the Edit Columns feature to select the columns you want to show or hide.

Column Definitions

  • “ID” is the unique row identifier for the commission.  Note that a single order may contain several commissions in it. Some merchants provide order-level commissions only (i.e. one record with all SKUs/line-items combined) though most provide order-item-level commissions (i.e. separate records with a common order ID).
  • “Event Date” is the date of the actual commission as reported by the merchant.
  • “Modified Date” is the last time a record was changed. This usually represents a change in status (i.e., a commission moving from Pending to Confirmed after we receive payment from the merchant partner).
  • “Created Date” is the date when our system ingested the commission.  The delay between the Event Date and the Created Date represents the lag in reporting by the merchant.
  • "Merchant Name" is the name of the online store where the commission occurred.
  • "Sale Amount" is the total amount of the sale represented in the application's currency. 
  • "Commission" Depending on who pays the user there could be partner commission and user commission.
    • If partner pays the user, there will be only one column:
      • Partner commission: This is the total of the partner's and user's share of earnings from the commission, as reported by the merchant, minus Wildfire's share.
    • In certain cases where Wildfire pays the user, there will be two columns:
      • Partner commission: This will be the partner's share of earnings, as reported by the merchant, minus Wildfire's share plus user's share.
      • User commission: This will be the user's share of earnings, as reported by the merchant, minus both Wildfire's share and partner's share.
  • "Device ID" Read more about IDs here.
  • “Status” indicates where the commission is in the overall payment lifecycle.  Eligible commissions move from “Pending” to “Ready” to “Paid” by default.

  • “Order ID” is either the order identifier provided by the merchant or the affiliate network (depending on the affiliate networks). Orders can have multiple commissions with each record representing an individual item within an order.
  • “SKU” is the item identified in the order and is not always available (depends on the merchant and network).  Note that if a single order contains multiple items of the same SKU these are almost always reported as a single commission.
  • "Tracking Code" Read about tracking codes (TC parameters) here: Tracking Code (TC) Parameter.
  • BaseCommissionAmount: The amount earned by the user prior to boosts, if applicable. If the earning was not subject to a Boosted Offer, this will match Amount in this same map.
  • BoostedCommissionAmount: The amount that a commission was boosted if a Boosted Offer was active with the application and merchant at the time of purchase. If no Boosted Offer campaign was active, this will be 0.
  • DeviceXID: Identifier registered to the device used by the end user, in most cases this ID is also used as the Tracking Code value on affiliate links. This value allows you to match a device to a user instead of just a commission to a user.
  • CouponCodes: Merchant-reported code or codes applied by a user at time of purchase. These values may or may not be valid coupon codes and may include both Couponator-tested codes as well as codes input by end users at time of purchase.
  • ShoppingTripCode: An identifier representing a single shopping session. This value is created and managed by Wildfire-developed extensions.

Commission Search

The following fields can be searched (either substring or exact match). Matching is not case-sensitive.

  • Commission ID
  • Event Date
    • To search for a commission record in a given range or particular date, use the date picker on the top.
  • Merchant ID
  • Merchant Name
  • Device ID
  • Order ID
  • SKU
  • Tracking Code
  • Shopping Trip Code
  • Device XID
  • Coupon Codes

Note: Though substring match is supported, our search method needs a "complete" substring to match. For example, a search for "wal" will not return Walmart or Walgreens. However, a search for "green" will return "Green Chef" and "Green Man Gaming."


You can export the matching records from Commission History. This will download a CSV format of the matching commission records and depending on the size of the export, you'll experience one of the following:

  1. The export size is small enough to be downloaded immediately
  2. The export size is large enough that it requires separate processing and will be available for download later

For the second case, where separate processing is required, you will be prompted to visit the Commission History Downloads page where you can check the status of your request and, once complete, download the file.

There are three states described in the Commission History Downloads:

  1. Pending: Your job is waiting to be processed and there are other jobs ahead of it
  2. Processing: Your job is actively being worked on
  3. Finalized: Your job is complete and ready to be downloaded.

Note: The jobs listed on the Commission History Download page are only your jobs and other users cannot see them.

Note: The time that it takes for your export job to complete is based on the number and size of all other requests in the system. Generally, exports should be available no later than a few hours after they are requested.

Note: Any downloads produced into Commission History Downloads expire after 48 hours from when they were initially requested.

Updated 10 Oct 2024
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