Performance Summary
Wildfire's Partner Admin Tools include information about how each application is performing. This article outlines the available data in the performance report.
The performance summary report highlights key metrics for an application segmented by time or merchant. The available segments are:
- View by Day: Performance report metrics segmented by day for the selected date range.
- View by Month: Performance report metrics segmented by month for the selected date range.
- View by Merchant: Performance report metrics segmented by merchant for the selected date range. Note that some metrics are hidden from this version as they don't apply (i.e. installs/devices)
Each stat card is calculated dynamically based on the date range selected and provides a comparison over the previous date range. Available stat cards depend on your application’s configuration. For example, net installs will not be available for API partners.
Stat Name | Stat Definition |
Gross Commissions | Sum of positive commissions for the date range selected |
Gross Sales | Sum of positive sales for the date range selected |
Average Commission Rate | Gross commissions divided by gross sales |
Net Installs | Extension installs minus extension uninstalls (Note that this could be negative if there are more uninstalls than installs on a given day. Also note that installs and uninstalls are not directly correlated.) |
Orders | Count of the number of distinct order ID and merchant ID values for the date range selected. (Note: Commission records may relate 1-to-1 or 1-to-many with Order Count, depending on the merchant) |
Clicks | Total number of clicks originated for the date range selected (i.e. activating cashback offers, Couponator activations) |
Below are the available columns in the performance summary page. You can choose the columns you want to include in the report by selecting Actions > Edit Columns on the upper right side of the report.
Column Name | Column Definition |
Gross Commissions | Sum of positive commissions for the interval (daily, monthly) selected |
Net Commissions | Sum of all the commissions, including negative commissions for the interval selected |
Links Created | Total number of links created for the interval selected (i.e. from Share & Earn) |
Clicks | Total number of clicks originated for the interval selected (i.e. activating cashback offers, Couponator activations) |
Gross Sales | Sum of positive sales for the interval selected |
Net Sales | Sum of all the sales, including negative sales for the interval selected |
Extension Installs | Total number of new extensions installed during the interval selected (Note: for Mobile Safari Extension, an installation is defined by enabling the extension) |
Extension Uninstalls | Total number of extensions uninstalled during the selected interval (Note: Safari does not report uninstalls or deactivations) |
Devices | Approximate count of number of devices created during the selected interval (this field is mainly applicable for API clients in lieu of Installs and Uninstalls) |
Order Count | Count of the number of distinct order ID and merchant ID values for the given interval selected. (Note: Commission records may relate 1-to-1 or 1-to-many with Order Count, depending on the merchant) |
Use the merchant filter to show performance data for a single merchant. Results can be filtered based on daily performance or monthly performance for the particular merchant. Note that some metrics will be hidden when filtering by a merchant (i.e. installs/devices).